Fascinating sex rituals

If you are a wild spirit or open-minded person when it comes to exploring your sexuality you may have heard of sex rituals. Sex rituals are commonly known as mating rituals. In the modern affair of the American culture most guys just hang out in bars and clubs to drink beer in hopes of hooking up with someone and strike a conversation that might lead to some sex later on. It is quite unfortunate that our contemporary culture has become this bizarre and awkward. Fortunately you do not have to be bound to the same old trick. This article details some fascinating sex rituals that from around the world.

For centuries humanity has been rocking the bedroom with untold sex rituals.

1. Drinking semen

The Sambian tribe is credited to hold the foundation of the sex ritual involving the drinking of semen. The New Guinea tribe is notoriously adherent to the practice of separating boys from girls and putting them through piercings and playing a sex ritual of drinking the semen of the tribe’s mightiest warriors as a form of initiation.

2. Sex between older women and younger boys

The natives of the Mangalia island in the South Pacific Ocean put boys around the age of 13 at the care of older women to teach them the dynamics of sex and how to please and sate their partners.

3. Building love huts for mating

The kreung tribe is such a unique culture. The natives of Cambodia are led by their elders who build love-huts for their young daughter and put them together with different boys to spend the night having sex until they find a perfect match to last with for the rest of their lives.

4. Sharing a lover between brothers

Although this ritual is old-fashioned and unlikely in modern day trends. The natives of Nepal around the Himalayas used to share one woman as a wife and live together on a single homestead.

5. wife-stealing festival

It might sound a little awkward or totally made up, but believe it or not the woodabe Tribe of West Africa practice a wife-stealing festival. The Woodabe Tribe hosts a Gerewol festival in which men wear explicit make up and dance in costumes to impress the women hoping to win over another man’s wife and make love to her.

6. Public masturbation

This is probably the most exciting sex ritual ever. Ancient Egypt was home to this particular masturbation ritual. The ancient Egyptians would simply masturbate into River Nile during the festival of the god Min to affirm the power of creation.

Fascinating sex rituals

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